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Chris "MRNC" Wilbourn started off with two feet in different worlds.  In the late 90's, he was forming a hip-hop group called Heiruspecs which would later tour the nation at the same time as he was throwing House Music oriented raves with his crew Family WERKS.  While both House and Hip-Hop were passions, it was Hip-Hop that took off.  Now, after touring and playing thousands of shows with Heiruspecs, MRNC (that means My Real Name Chris by the way) has refocused on the other musical love of his life; House Music. 


He dropped his first official house track in 2015 called Not About Us. This track contains a sample which he felt captured the essence of his favorite on stage moments. His first multi-track offering: The Lafond EP dropped a year later. In 2019, he launched a weekly radio show on Minneapolis radio station KFAI 90.3 called Solid Foundations as a means to further explore house music. Playing every week on air and picking up gigs here and there, MRNC quickly found that he never lost the ability to mix records. In 2020, MRNC partnered with his brother Andor to launch Knight Yellow Music and now releases tracks as often as he can. Solid Foundations is currently on the air every Sunday night at and on Knight Yellow Radio. 


MRNC can be found in the basement making new tracks pretty much always. 


I grew up in the Twin Cities rave scene in the 90's and my love of dance music has never faded.

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